5 Most Popular Places to visit Leh Ladakh

Leh Ladakh, located in Indian region Jammu and Kashmir, is widely famous for its natural beauty, monasteries and lakes. Due to its location at near Himalayas, many tourists come here from around the world to explore its beauty. Below are 5 popular destinations in Leh Ladakh.


Leh Places

Located in the Indus river valley in Jammu and Kashmir, Leh is the largest town of the region and the capital of Ladakh. Leh is the hub of Buddhist monasteries and historical monuments. There are two roads – Srinagar-Leh Highway and Manali-Leh Highway to reach Leh. Leh is also connected via air to major metro cities like Delhi. Namgyal Tsemo Gompa, soma Gompa and Shati Stupa are the some popular Buddhist temples and tourist attractions of Leh. The best time to visit in Leh is from May to September.


Kargil City

The second largest town of Ladakh in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in India after Leh. Kargil attracts a lots of adventure enthusiasts to trek its high mountain trails. Suru Valley, Panikhar and Drass are some beautiful landscapes of Kargil. Best time to visit in Kargil is from May to July. Kargil is well connected by direct buses from Leh, Shrinagar, and Padum.

Nubra Valley: 

Nubra Valley

Located in north of Leh, Nubra Valley also known as Ldumra (the valley of flowers).  The main attraction in this area is the Bactarian Camels around sand dunes of Hunder.  The best time to visit in Nubra Valley is July to September and you have needed to cross Khardung La pass from Leh town to come around here.


Zangskar valley

Zangskar valley is located in tehsil of the Kargil district. The main attractions in Zanskar are the ancient Tibetan-style Buddhist monasteries including Zongkhul, Bardan, Stongde, Karsha, Phuktal and Suni Palace. And trekking is one of the most popular activities in Zanskar. The best time to visit in Zankar is June to September.


One of the largest lakes in Asia, Pangong Tso is located about 170 KMs from Leh town. The multi shades blue colure lake widely popular after the shooting of the movie 3 Idiots. The Lake changes its color in many shades of blue and green with the changing position of the sun in the sky. May to September is the best time to visit in this place.

Visit www.lehladakhindia.com/ to explore more travel destinations in Leh Ladakh, India.

Author Bio:
Sandeep Manral
A seeker, learner and explorer, loves to travel which could be attributed to the fact that he was born and brought up in Uttarakhand located in Great Himalaya, a digital marketing professional by profession, Sandeep also loves to write on diverse travel topics along with regular features on SEO and Digital Marketing tips and tricks.

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