Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter 2016 | Helicopter Service from Baltal

The annual pilgrimage to Amarnath cave will soon commence. This write up talks about why and who should choose Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter besides underlining the religios significance and important things to keep in find while planning for Baba Barfani yatra.

Dates for Shri Amarnathji Yatra 2016

This holy pilgrimage will commence from 2nd July, 2016. All the preparations for this annual event is done by the administration and government of Jammu & Kashmir.  The temple is located at a height of 13,000 feet, and therefore high altitude illness and the effects of extreme cold are quite common here.

Amarnath Helicopter Yatra from Baltal
Amarnath Yatra Helicopter Services from Baltal are available for elderly, families and those short on time
Despite of such tedious and challenging trek, the indispensable faith of pilgrims inspires them to travel up to the cave temple of Baba Barfaani - as the ice form of lingam is referred to. However, tourists who are running short of time, the Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter tour package is the best way to reach the cave temple in a shortest possible time.

Religious Significance of Amarnath Yatra

Lingam formation at Amarnath Cave
The snow lingam formation gives the name Baba Barfani to Lord Shiva's manifestation at Amarnath Cave
“Attainment of Moksha is guaranteed if one completes the holy journey to Amarnath”, this is the belief that invites millions of devotees from all around the world to the sacred cave of Amarnath. Amarnath Cave is the mystical abode of Lord Shiva nestled amidst the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. It is one of the most revered pilgrimages in India. This Yatra organized by the government of Jammu and Kashmir between the months of June and August every year.

Age Limit for Amarnath Yatris

Ideally, age should not be a barrier between pilgrims and their revered deity. But keeping in mind, the challenging terrains, high altitude and extreme cold conditions, the Shri Amarnath Ji Shrine Board (SASB) has barred below 13 years old and above 75 years of age for Amarnath Yatra 2016. Also, women with 6 weeks pregnancy would not be allowed to undertake this year’s Amarnath Yatra.

Reaching the Trekking Points for Beginning Amarnath Cave Yatra

The nearest railway station in broad gauge is Jammu Railway Station. From Jammu, there are two traditional routes that lead to the Amarnath Cave. One is Pahalgam to Amarnath Cave and the other more popular is from Baltal to Amarnath cave.

How to reach Amarnath Cave from Pahalgam

Pahalgam is the starting point of Amarnath Yatra and is situated 96 kilometers north of Srinagar. On the way to the holy cave of Pahalgam, pilgrims have to travel to Chandanwari, which is just 16 kilometers away from Pahalgam and from hear to Panjtarni where the route from Baltal merge with Pahalgam route.

How to reach Amarnath Cave from Baltal

Baltal is well-connected to Jammu via road. Once you’ll arrive in Baltal, the journey to the holy cave is just 14 kilometers away by foot or on ponies & dandies.  En-route Baltal, the pilgrims can enjoy the scenic beauty of Kashmir, which is heaven on earth.

Why Amarnath Yatra from Baltal is Popular?

Amarnath Yatra from Baltal to Cave is the popular route for Amarnath Yatra due to its proximity with the cave. The route being shorter, the pilgrims can return to Baltal and even go back to Srinagar on the same day after having darshan especially if the yatris opt for helicopter service. The Amarnath Cave distance from Baltal is about 16 kilometers which can be covered in about 4 hours.

Benefits of Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter

Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter was launched by the government of Jammu and Kashmir in 2004. It is a perfect option for those pilgrims who are either running short of time or averse to the usual trekking route due to health issues.

Different packages offered for the holy Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter could include airport pick-up, accommodation, VIP Darshan and sightseeing excursions to Srinagar, Pahalgam and Gulmarg for a complete experience of holidays in Kashmir.

Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter (from Baltal)

The helicopter service from Baltal goes as far as Panjtarni from where the Amarnath Cave is just 6 kilometers walk.

Pilgrims at the entrance of Amarnath Cave
Pilgrims watching the sky as helicopters do the round: Amarnath Yatra 2014

Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter Cost

The ticket price for Helicopter service is disclosed each year by Shri Amarnath Ji Shrine Board (SASB). The shrine board has collaborated with Pawan Hans Limited and Global Vectra Helicorp Ltd for providing helicopter service from Baltal to Panjtarni and Himalayan Heli Services Private Ltd for helicopter services from Pahalgam-to Panjtarni. 

The Baltal to Panjtarni helicopter fares are decided on the basis of competitive bidding by helicopter service provider.The helicopter service from Baltal to Amarnath takes around 30 minutes. You could find details and pricing of Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter at the website of

Online Booking for Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter 2016

You could book your Amarnath Yatra 2016 packages directly from for a hassle free planning and execution of your pilgrimage tour.

Preparation for Amarnath Yatra

The journey to Amarnath Cave is very tough and requires a lot of physical and mental preparation. Hence, these few basic travel tips for Amarnath Yatra will help you in getting prepared for Amarnath Yatra.

1. Since the Amarnath Yatra entails excessive trekking to heights such as 14,000 feet, pilgrims need to be physically and mentally fit.

2. Pilgrims must carry warm clothes in adequate amount. It is also useful to wear a good set of body warmers.

3. Amarnath Yatra is physically exhausting, therefore, it is advised to carry some easy to perishable eatables such as candy, dates, juices, biscuits and dry juices to power oneself along the route.

4. Alcohol and smoking is strictly avoidable.

5. Don’t walk swiftly. Halt for rest if you feel tired.

6. Relax at designated spots only. There are several dangerous spots that are marked appropriately. You must obey these warnings.

7. The route to Amarnath Yatra is narrow at places and is hardly traversed by humans and ponies. You need to walk to the side of the mountains and leave way for laden ponies.

Here are some more tips for planning Amarnath Yatra and how to do registration for the yatra

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Contributed by Ashish Gupta

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