Top 10 Hiking Trails in India

“Know the unknown” and “tame the un-tamable”, these are very common tendencies seen in humans, from the beginning of the civilization. However, the eagerness to reveal the secret has resulted in amazing discoveries by the human race. Hiking trails in India are the challenges that are taken up by adventure enthusiasts to conquer their inner fear and experience the thrill.

Trekking is not about spending days but a lifetime experience. This post is an endeavor to list the top 10 hiking trails in India. These hiking or trekking trails are special. They are about the communion with nature, of soaking in the awe inspiring views and surrounding, about being lost in the trails and finding yourself, where even the reality turns out to be abstract.

Withour further ado we bring to you top 10 hiking trails in India in no particular order.

Pindari Glacier Trek, Kumaon

Pindari Glacier Trek
Pindari Glacier is an easy and scenic trek in kumaon himalayas. Photo courtesy Ramesh Kumar Mumukshu
In Kumaon region, Pindari Glacier is the easily accessible glacier and is praiseworthy for its own beauty. Located between the Nanda Kot and sacred Nanda Devi mountains, Pindari is a gigantic glacier of almost 0.25 km in breadth and 3 km in length.

Pindar River also springs from this Glacier and further gushes down and joins the Alaknanda River. This trek is also popular as “Soft Adventure Trek” and the adventure enthusiasts are enthralled with the magnificence of the lofty Himalayas.
  • Altitude: 3990 m
  • Duration: 11 to 13 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Season: May to October (Avoid during monsoon)

Hemkund & Valley of Flower Trek, Garhwal

Hemkund & Valley of Flower Trek is a paradise for adventure seekers and nature lovers. The varieties of flowers, covering the valley, spellbound the visitors. The Pushpawati River also makes the valley a picturesque destination.

There are over 520 species of flowers and thus, the valley was acknowledged as a National Park in 1982. Himalayan Black Bears, Brown Bears, Musk Deer, and beautiful birds and butterflies find natural shelter here. The trek also includes visits to the sacred lake of Hemkund, which is an important pilgrimage of Sikhs and Hindus.
  • Altitude: 3858 m
  • Duration: 9 to 13 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Season: May - October

Roopkund Trek, Uttarakhand

Roopkund Trek
Located in the Chamoli district of Garhwal, Roopkund is one of the sought-after treks in India. The adventure enthusiasts could witness deep virgin forests, breathtaking campsites, gurgling rivulets, and surging meadows over the miles that gratify the soul of trekkers climbing 5029m from the sea level.

The lake of Roopkund is also popular as the ‘Mystery Lake’ due to remains of horses and human skeletons, belonging to the Paleolithic age, found here.
  • Altitude: 5029 m
  • Duration: 7 to 9 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Season: End May - October

Markha Valley Trek, Ladakh

Markha Valley Trek is one of the best experiences as the enthusiasts have to trek along the Markha River, flowing through the ‘Little Tibet’. These highest inhabited plateaus of the world remain secluded by snow, for months.

During the trek, the trekkers have to cross the Markha River and Ganda La. Trail through canyons, picturesque Ladakhi villages and barley and mustard fields imprint a long lasting impression on the hearts of enthusiasts. After reaching the height, one could explore the incredible vista of the Himalaya, the Karakorum, and Tibet.
  • Altitude: 5150 m
  • Duration: 12 to 15 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Season: June to October
Here's more on Markha Valley Trek and planning your trip to this magical hiking trail in Ladakh.

Pin Parvati Valley Trek, Himachal

The Pin Parvati Valley Trek includes a journey to the monsoon swept slopes and flourishing greenery of the Himalayan foothills from High altitude Deserts was revealed by an English explorer in the 19th century.

The valley is also dubbed as “Valley of Gods” due to its location being cuddled up between the Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar ranges.

The cold desert Spiti valley region also surrounds the place. The explorers have to pass through wild flowers, lush pine forests, and dramatic barren scenery. Most of the year, this region is covered under the snow. 
  • Altitude: 5319 m
  • Duration: 13 to 17 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate to strenuous 
  • Season: June to October

Dodital Trek, Uttarakhand

Morning at Dodital
Morning in Dodital. Photo courtesy Bricolage
The beautiful lake of Dodital is located at the backdrop of picturesque Darwa Bugyal. The lake has its association with mythological history.  

Dodital is also regarded as Lord Ganesha’s birthplace and the place where Lord Shiva beheaded the deity. The circumference of the lake is about 3 km and also serves as the source of River Asi Ganga, which further merges with the Bhagirathi River near Gangotri. 
  • Altitude: 4150m
  • Duration: 6 to 8 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Season: May to October

Kumara Parvatha Trek, Karnataka

Kumara Parvatha Trek in Karnataka
Kumara Parvatha Trek in Karnataka
Pushpagiri’ is the common name for The Kumara Parvata Peak, which is located at the backdrop of Kukke Subramanya, an ancient shrine.

This is the 3rd tallest peak in Karnataka and cuddled within the high clouds, is the magnificent scenario of the Western Ghats. Heavy winds and dense fogs always cover the region. Beware during the trek as leeches and snakes are found in abundance.
  • Altitude: 1712 m
  • Duration: 1 or 2 Days
  • Difficulty Level: High
  • Season: October to Febuary

Har ki Doon, Uttarakhand

Har Ki Doon trek - One of the most famous trek in Garhwal Himalayas
Har Ki Doon trek - One of the most famous trek in Garhwal Himalayas
The Hanging Valley of Gods, Har-Ki-Doon is a treat for trekkers. This trek takes you to the least explored regions of Garhwal (Uttarakhand). The valley is adorned with wild Himalayan Flowers. The natural and colorful appearance of the valley during monsoon overwhelms the hearts of the explorers.

The trek makes the adventure seekers explore Sankri, Osla, Taluka, Datmi, and Seema. From November to April, the region remains either wet or very cold. Due to rich wildlife, this trek also wins the hearts of nature lovers.
  • Altitude: 3500 m
  • Duration: 12 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Season: May - October

Indrahaar Pass Trek, Himachal

Towards Laqa enroute Indrahaar Pass in Himachal. Photo courtesy Nikhil Chandra
The magnificent trekking point, Indrahaar Pass Trek, in Himachal is not an easy trekking. But the stunning views of the Indian plains in the South and snow capped Pir Pankal Range and Mani Mahesh Kailash peak in the North more than compensates for the tough climbing.

The continuous climb over mountains takes one on an ill defined trail of Hindu religious places, finally reaching the beautiful Ravi Valley.
  • Altitude: 4342 m
  • Duration: 5 to 10 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate
  • Season: May - June (Summer); Sep - Oct (Autumn)\

Churdhar Peak, Himachal

Churdhar - the highest peak in southern Himachal Pradesh
Churdhar - the highest peak in southern Himachal Pradesh
Churdhar Trek offers breathtaking scenery and unparalleled views while traversing the high altitudes of the Himalayas. The highest peak of Himalayas, Churdhar Peak is a sanctuary of alpine regions, hidden among vast temperate forests.

Numerous multicolored and agile Monals in the forests and pleasing trekking points at Sarain, Nohra, and Pulbahal attracts each and everyone.
  • Altitude: 3,647 m
  • Duration: 4 to 10 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Season: March - June (Summer); September - November (Autumn)
Useful Tips for Indian Hiking Adventure
  • Get thorough information about the trek. Make sure you know the best time to visit, activities involved, route, etc.
  • Do not forget to carry a hat, hike backpack, waist packs, jackets, water bottles, hike tour route maps, sunscreen, binoculars, gloves, a pair of shades, and salt.
  • Do not head onto the unknown trek routes as that may lead to frustration and trouble.
Beautiful flora & fauna and picturesque sites are addenda to a successful hiking voyage in India. Shirk from watching television, sleeping, or simply sitting idle at home. Numerous hiking destinations are expecting you.

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  1. Wow! This is a nice list. Thanks for crediting me for my image. This is an awesome compilation something akin to the bucket list I have in mind. Roopkund is a long cherished dream trek in my mind. I so wanted to go there but instead I went to Indrahaar Pass which was an awesome experience. May be next year I'll do the Roopkund circuit. I also so want to do the Pin Parvati and Valley of Flower but alas...there's so much to do and so little time :-) BTW, I have also done 2 treks in West and South: one in Ratangarh, Maharashtra and the other is Nandi Hills in Karnataka and they are so different from being footloose in Himalayas. I even have Kerala treks in my mind...lets see what happens. Thanks for sharing this list!

    1. Thank you for your appreciation. and do share your experience with us..

  2. Hi Neelam, you have mentioned here a beautiful collections of hiking trails from all over India. You have defined here very well about all the places that you have mentioned in this post. The Roopkund Trek is the only place I have visited. Keep sharing continue such nice posts...

    1. Thank you.. Keep it touch to know more about such destinations in India..

  3. Hi Neelam, I am not surprised that you have mentioned 5 trails from Uttarakhand in your top 10 list. Since I am from Uttarakhand, I know that Uttarakhand has some of the most exciting hiking trails in India. And also some of the best and definitely the most number of trekking trails of India.

    1. Please share some pictures with us.. and visit again to know more about travel destinations in India..

  4. Hey Neelam...a nice write-up..though I am not much of an adventure enthusiast but reading such informative stuff is always interesting...

    1. Same here.. but these destinations really fascinate me.. Trekking is surely on my "To-Do List"..

  5. Hello Neelam.
    This is a compilation of some of the most exciting hiking trails in India.
    For a long time now I have been planning to take a hike to Churdhar Peak. After reading this, I am definitely going!

    1. All the best.. and do share photos and your experience with us..

  6. Hey Neelam hats off for this greatly compiled list that features every must-visit trail for a trekking enthusiast. The adventure tours suggested above are well-detailed and provide one with an idea of what to expect while visiting these destinations. Lastly, the useful tips would surely help the new bees like me.....

    1. It feels great to know that my work has helped you and motivated you to visit these destinations. Make sure you share your experience with us..


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