Christmas Celebrations Around the World

Christmas is still a week away and the world looks like it’s already soaked in the festive spirit. So we thought, why not write an elaborate post on Christmas celebrations around the world. Here goes…

United States

Merry Christmas, New York City
Merry Christmas, New York City
Santa Claus was introduced to the US in 1860 originating from the Dutch word for St. Nicholas. The majority of Americans celebrate with the exchange of gifts and greetings  with family visits. Homes are often decorated with holly mistletoe, lights and a Christmas Tree.


Christmas in Mexico
Merry Christmas, Mexico
The main Christmas celebration is called La Posada, which is a religious procession that re-enacts the search for shelter by Joseph and Mary before Jesus was born. Santa is only represented by a poinsettia flower for his red suit. Kids receive gifts and bakeries offer traditional treats.


Christmas in France
Merry Christmas in France
Instead of stockings, children leave their shoes by the fireplace to be filled with gifts from Pere Noel. Instead of a tree, nearly every home displays a Nativity scene with little clay figures called santons or “little saints”. After midnight mass on Christmas Eve, a grand dinner is held.


Christmas in India
Merry Christmas in India
Being a predominantly Hindu country, Christmas is still a big occasion in India. Most metropolitan cities line up celebratory events in offices, markets and malls. With New Year’s Eve on a week apart, a lot of people prefer to take some time off for the year-end vacation. Christians go to the Church on Christmas eve and light candles and sing at the mass.


Christmas in Italy
Merry Christmas in Italy
A strict fast is observed a day before Christmas and ends with an elaborate celebratory feast. On Christmas eve, a single gift is drawn from the urn of fate. At noon on X-mas day, the Pope gives his blessings in the Vatican.


Christmas in Australia
Merry Christmas in Australia
Due to the very hot weather, some Australians have their Christmas dinner during the day at a local beach on a picnic. In fact, at some of the Australian beaches, Santa even arrives on a surfboard. Carols by Candlelight is yet another Australian tradition.


Christmas Day begins with carol singers roaming about the village, roadways, the missionaries etc. Homes are decorated with pine branches. Many celebrate by traveling to rivers, beaches or mountains.


Christmas in Germany
Merry Christmas in Germany
Children leave decorated letters at their windowsills for Christkind, a winged figure dressed in a white robe and golden crown who distributes gifts. Advent wreaths of holly with four red candles in the center are displayed. They light one candle on each Sunday with the last one lit on Christmas eve. Little dolls of fruit are often given as traditional gifts.