Tomb of Akbar, Sikandra: Things to do in India

One of the important masterpieces of Mughal architecture, construction of the Tomb of Akbar was undertaken during the lifetime of Akbar himself as was the tradition. This tomb was one of the first constructions undertaken during Mughal era which marked a clear shift from the red sandstone architecture prevalent at that time. One can glimpse a bit of Taj Mahal in the design, pattern and symmetry of the tomb and the classic charbagh garden style.

Sikandra is one of the must visit places which can be easily explored in a few hour. There’s not much except to marvel at the breathtaking structure of the tomb. The outer façade has 4 minarets atop which project a grand aura. The main iwan is just in front of the entrance with perfectly symmetrical Mughal Gardens promenaded by Antelopes. The grazing Antelopes present an almost surreal sight as you explore the serene boulevards and the inner structure of tomb.

The inner structure is characterized by intricate carvings, calligraphy and pietra dura inlays. The false cenotaph is placed in the centre of the structure in typical Mughal tradition whereas the original one lies exactly below whose path is through dark alleys. One of the reasons to visit this place is the lush gardens filled with Antelopes and Langurs even as the uncharacteristic tranquility permeates the whole structure as opposed to the throngs of visitors at Taj Mahal. This place is ideal for calm and reflection amidst the chaos of bustling Agra city.

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