Orchha: Destinations in India

Betwa River Orchha The charm of Orchha lies in it being a nondescript destination as compared to the nearby Khajuraho Temples. Whereas the erotic sculptures at Khajuraho are world famous and subject to various research and studies, when it comes to popular destinations in India Orchha is a sleepy little town with small population attracting limited number of tourists,or I'd say mostly travelers. Orchha has it fair share of sculpted temples, palaces and other landmarks but none compares to the exquisite craftsmanship displayed at the 'love temples' of Khajuraho. However where Orchha scores over its more popular counterpart is the natural landscape, convivial inhabitants and relatively pristine ambience.

Morning in Orchha Betwa RiverThere's nothing like the sight of the mist covered forests as the sun casts its first shadow on earth. The moment is too ethereal, too sublime to describe in words, it can only be experienced first hand. Take a jaunt by the forest feeling nature brush past your senses, let the silence takeover; its transcendental.

Sitting by the bank of meandering Betwa River during the sunset and beholding the silhouette of the Chhatris, or the sight of Laksmi Temple and the Orchha Palace was simply mesmerizing. One thing that sets apart Orchha is the friendly locals and mouth watering street food.
All that can be said is that Orchha is an enchanting as well as rejuvenating destination, a veritable oasis far from the hullabaloo of other popular destinations and the din of city.

Orchha: Destinations in India
Lush Orchha

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