Holi: Festivals in India

One of the most popular festivals in India is Holi, which is celebrated with great joy and fervor throughout the country. It is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna (Feb-March), which this year is on 27th March.

Although this festival of colors is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm, everywhere, but the celebrations in Mathura and Vrindavan are unmatched for. The Holi celebration in these towns of Uttar Pradesh is popular all over the country.


Amazing yet Fun Festival in India
Bright Colors and be a part of this Amazing yet Fun Festival in India
According to the legends, Holi in Mathura and Vrindavan is celebrated as a commemoration of the pure and divine love between Radha and Lord Krishna.

The locals believe that the Lord was jealous of the fair complexion of Radha as he himself had a dark complexion. He used to smear her face with colors to annoy her. She, acting as if very angry, used to run after him. Today also the tradition of applying colors on the faces of the loved ones continues.


Holi Festival,Mathura Vrindavan
Holi Festival in Mathura Vrindavan
As per mythological tales, Mathura is the birth place of Lord Krishna and Vrindavan is that place where he had spent his childhood as well as most of the time of his teenage.

Every nook and corner of these two places tells various tales of his mischief and magic. People still feel the divine presence of the Lord, all around the place. Thus, Holi, the festival of colors is celebrated with immense zeal. 

Holi Celebration in India
Holi Celebration in India
Both these places are visited by thousands of Lord Krishna’s followers who want to celebrate this festival along with their lord and are looking for peace.

The festivities in both these places start around 7 days before the main day. On each day, there is a different kind of a celebration where Holi is played with flowers, water, and on the final day with colors. 

Gulal (Color Powder)
Make Gulal (Color Powder) out of Natural Things like Flowers and Vegetables referred to as Herbal Colors
A major attraction during this week-long celebration is the ‘lath-mar’ Holi where women teasingly hit the men with sticks. The main aim behind the celebration of Holi is to keep alive love, peace and devotion, not only amongst the human beings but also with the Lord. This festival is a way to wash away all kinds of hatred and differences that are prevalent in the society today.

Holi Festivals in India
Colourful powders mixed with mild levels of aggression and attack?
During the week-long celebration of Holi in Mathura and Vrindavan, there are festivities in each and every temple of these two places. But the major attraction is the Banke-Bihari temple in Vrindavan where thousands of Krishna devotees gather every year. Another popular venue is  Gulal-Kund in Braj.

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